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c&d inc. is once again listed in " top100 list of brand value of chinese listed companies"


c&d inc. is once again listed in " top100 list of brand value of chinese listed companies"

the brand value of c&d inc. increased from 35.1 billion yuan in 2020 to 39.2 billion yuan, and it was listed in the overall list of "top100 list of brand value of chinese listed companies in 2021" again.

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c&d inc. makes its appearance at the first hainan expo to build a shared and win-win consumer goods industry ecosystem


c&d inc. makes its appearance at the first hainan expo to build a shared and win-win consumer goods industry ecosystem

may 7, 2021 witnessed the grand opening of the first china international consumer products expo (hainan expo) co-sponsored by the ministry of commerce and the people’s government of hainan province at hainan international convention and exhibition center.

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c&d japan inc. will debut at the first hainan expo with quality goods from japan’s three major general trading companies


c&d japan inc. will debut at the first hainan expo with quality goods from japan’s three major general trading companies

the first china international consumer products expo (hainan expo) will be held at hainan international convention and exhibition center from may 7-10, 2021. c&d japan inc. will be present with high-quality branded products from japan’s three major fo

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gathering power in hainan, controlling the situation and practicing earnestly -- c&d (hainan) co., ltd. had a grand opening


gathering power in hainan, controlling the situation and practicing earnestly -- c&d (hainan) co., ltd. had a grand opening

on the morning of march 24, 2021, c&d (hainan) co., ltd. had a grand opening. leaders of c&d inc. and hainan international economic development bureau and yangpu international witnessed this important moment together.

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c&d’s board won special contribution to board governance award


c&d’s board won special contribution to board governance award

the list of 16th golden round table enterprise awards had been released by board of directors recently. board of directors of c&d inc. (c&d for short, stock code:, as well as that of other 43 listed companies such as crec, cosl and pien

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c&d inc. won “best information disclosure award”


c&d inc. won “best information disclosure award”

hosted by roadshow china and excellence ir, the “2021 investor relations innovation summit for listed companies” and the 4th excellent ir award ceremony was successfully held online on january 20th. due to its excellent performance in information disclosu

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zheng yongda, chairman of c&d inc., met with marubeni corporation's deputy regional ceo for china, toshio shinoda and his delegation


zheng yongda, chairman of c&d inc., met with marubeni corporation's deputy regional ceo for china, toshio shinoda and his delegation

on january 13, mr. zheng yongda, chairman of c&d inc., met with mr. toshio shinoda, deputy regional ceo for china, marubeni corporation, who paid a special visit to china. the two sides had full exchanges and discussions on deepening the business coop

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the supply chain services of shanghai c&d material helped the smooth opening of xiong’an k1 expressway (phase i)


the supply chain services of shanghai c&d material helped the smooth opening of xiong’an k1 expressway (phase i)

another representative case of large-scale terminal engineering project assisted by shanghai c&d material co., ltd.

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