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c&d logistics wins two awards at the global sourcing expo with its supply chain innovation


c&d logistics wins two awards at the global sourcing expo with its supply chain innovation

c&d logistics group, a wholly-owned subsidiary of c&d inc., won two awards, namely “2020 excellent procurement case” and “2020 excellent procurement service provider” for its high-quality supply chain services.

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xiamen c&d inc. and ouyeel co., ltd. signed a strategic cooperation agreement


xiamen c&d inc. and ouyeel co., ltd. signed a strategic cooperation agreement

on 15th october 2020, xiamen c&d inc. and ouyeel co., ltd. signed a strategic cooperation agreement in xiamen.

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the head of fonterra's greater china operations and his delegation visit c&d food supply chain


the head of fonterra's greater china operations and his delegation visit c&d food supply chain

on october 15, 2020, akshay aggarwal, head of operations in fonterra greater china, visited xiamen and led a team to communicate with c&d food supply chain.

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c&d inc. ranks 23rd among china's top 500 foreign trade enterprises in 2020


c&d inc. ranks 23rd among china's top 500 foreign trade enterprises in 2020

xiamen c&d inc. ranked the 23rd in china with the total import and export volume of 9.111 billion us dollars, up 2 places compared with last year, ranking the first in fujian province for many consecutive years.

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c&d group and glp jointly launched the establishment of glp-c&d equity investment fund


c&d group and glp jointly launched the establishment of glp-c&d equity investment fund

based on the industrial advantages of c&d group, the parent company of c&d inc., and glp, and the economic location advantages of xiamen, the fund takes logistics supply chain and related consumption upgrading, scientific and technological innovat

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c&d logistics is listed in the pilot list of national digital warehouse enterprises of cflp


c&d logistics is listed in the pilot list of national digital warehouse enterprises of cflp

china federation of logistics and purchasing recently released a list of the country's first batch of digital warehouse pilot enterprises.

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c&d zhongcheng volvo assists vip reception work of cifit in xiamen


c&d zhongcheng volvo assists vip reception work of cifit in xiamen

the designated vehicle for vip reception of this meeting is provided by xiamen c&d zhongcheng volvo.

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"minning · boya wine culture run" ended perfectly


"minning · boya wine culture run" ended perfectly

c&d wines continues to strengthen the brand building.

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