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zheng yongda, chairman of c&d inc., met with marubeni corporation's deputy regional ceo for china, toshio shinoda and his delegation -pg电子游戏网站

date: 2021-01-14 | source:c&d inc.

on january 13, mr. zheng yongda, chairman of c&d inc., met with mr. toshio shinoda, deputy regional ceo for china, marubeni corporation, who paid a special visit to china. the two sides had full exchanges and discussions on deepening the business cooperation in supply chain in the future. mr. wang zhibing, deputy general manager of c&d inc. and directors of related business units accompanied the meeting.

mr. zheng yongda reviewed the implementation of the "strategic cooperation agreement" signed by both sides during the third expo and proposed three points of hope for deepening the supply chain business cooperation between the two sides. first of all, with an annual transaction value of us $1 billion as the target, the two sides will continue to expand supply chain business cooperation in agricultural products, metals and minerals, chemicals, food, consumer goods and other fields. secondly, establish a quarterly business review and outlook mechanism, actively expand the depth and breadth of the existing business cooperation, guide the current sale of goods to the supply chain service mode transformation, and further look for new areas of supply chain business cooperation opportunities, upstream and downstream investment opportunities of the industry chain. finally, the two sides will take the establishment of c&d japan company as an opportunity to jointly seek business cooperation opportunities for japanese consumer goods to enter the chinese market. together, we will help japanese offline retailers and brands complete digital transformation, better cope with the impact of the epidemic, and vigorously develop the chinese market.

mr. toshio shinoda agreed with the three hopes raised by chairman zheng yongda and introduced the latest situation of marubeni and its latest development strategy in china. mr. toshio shinoda pointed out that the transaction amount of the two parties in 2020 has exceeded 700 million us dollars, but there is still a lot of room to play in terms of the business volume of the two companies. he hopes to continue to expand the supply chain business cooperation with c&d inc. in the advantageous areas of both sides in the future. at the same time, with the gradual implementation of the hainan free trade port policy and the signing of the rcep, both sides can jointly look for supply chain cooperation and investment opportunities in hainan province and overseas.
