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c&d mineral resources completed the first cross-border paperless rmb settlement business by using blockchain technology


c&d mineral resources completed the first cross-border paperless rmb settlement business by using blockchain technology

c&d mineral resources will continue to deepen the application of blockchain technology to promote efficiency improvement through digitalization.

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c&d (guangzhou) co., ltd was awarded as a key enterprise in tianhe district, guangzhou


c&d (guangzhou) co., ltd was awarded as a key enterprise in tianhe district, guangzhou

in the future, c&d (guangzhou) co., ltd. will seize the historic opportunity in the construction of guangdong-hong kong-macao greater bay area, explore the potential value-added opportunities in the operation of the supply chain through lift supply ch

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c&d logistics launched its first intelligent warehousing decision-making project


c&d logistics launched its first intelligent warehousing decision-making project

in the future, c&d logistics will join hands with polixir to integrate the superior resources of both sides, and use its new generation of ai decision-making technology to help c&d realize the collaborative integration of the whole scene and the w

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the first bentley 4s center of c&d auto in guangxi was grandly opened


the first bentley 4s center of c&d auto in guangxi was grandly opened

on december 18, 2020, the first bentley authorized store of c&d auto in guangxi -- bentley nanning 4s center was grandly opened.

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c&d paper & pulp has reached a strategic cooperation with ilim group


c&d paper & pulp has reached a strategic cooperation with ilim group

recently, xiamen c&d paper & pulp co., ltd. and russia's ilim group signed a strategic cooperation agreement in sanya, hainan.

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c&d (shanghai) co., ltd. won the award for outstanding contributions to economy of pudong new area


c&d (shanghai) co., ltd. won the award for outstanding contributions to economy of pudong new area

on december 8, c&d (shanghai) co., ltd. won the award from more than 100,000 enterprises in the "2019 annual commendation for enterprises with outstanding economic contributions in pudong new area" sponsored by the people's government of sha

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the strategic cooperation signing ceremony was held between  c&d inc. and zhangjiagang free trade zone


the strategic cooperation signing ceremony was held between c&d inc. and zhangjiagang free trade zone

on december 8, xiamen c&d inc. and zhangjiagang free trade zone management committee held a strategic cooperation signing ceremony.

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c&d inc. has ranked "china’s top 100 listed companies" for 12 consecutive years


c&d inc. has ranked "china’s top 100 listed companies" for 12 consecutive years

c&d inc. (600153) ranked 75th in the list of china's top 100 listed companies in 2020 and was also awarded the "china's top 100 enterprises with special contributions in the past 20 years".

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