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c&d’s board won special contribution to board governance award -pg电子游戏网站

date: 2021-02-22 | source:c&d inc.

the list of 16th golden round table enterprise awards had been released by board of directors recently. board of directors of c&d inc. (c&d for short, stock code:, as well as that of other 43 listed companies such as crec, cosl and pien tze huang, won the special contribution to board governance award, after 4 phases of rigorous selection including preliminary evaluation, review, publicity and final review.

focused on corporate governance and system construction for board of directors, golden round table enterprise awards is a high-level and public-spirited prize, considered as an important criterion for listed companies’ corporate governance. so far it has been run for 16 years, jointly by board of directors and association for public companies in multiple provinces and cities.

c&d’s board of directors will consistently adhere to the principles of integrity and efficiency in corporate governance, constantly exploring new methods of corporate governance while operating on a legitimate basis. the award is an honor and recognition of the achievements by c&d’s board. in the future, the board will continuously raise the level of corporate governance according to corporate strategic goals, as well as promote high-quality growth of core business, fulfill our duties and strive to create more value for shareholders.
