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c&d inc. is invited to participate in the construction of supply chain research institute of cflp


c&d inc. is invited to participate in the construction of supply chain research institute of cflp

on january 19, 2019, at the invitation of china federation of logistics and purchasing (hereinafter referred to as cflp), as the sole representative enterprise of fujian province, c&d inc. established the modern supply chain research institute (herein

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c&d auto super luxury brand lineup to add a new member - aston martin


c&d auto super luxury brand lineup to add a new member - aston martin

in january 2019, c&d auto officially joined hands with aston martin brand and became its only authorized dealer in fujian and yunnan province.

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new breakthrough in china-europe c&d train & more value-added in supply chain services


new breakthrough in china-europe c&d train & more value-added in supply chain services

on december 30, 2018, the first batch of containers full of handicrafts from vietnam arrived in xiamen by sea for transit, and were successfully transported to moscow by the china-europe c&d train. this marks the success of the china europe (xiamen-mo

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innovative mode leads the development of supply chain business——c&d ranks 26th among china's top 500 foreign trade companies & ranks first in fujian province


innovative mode leads the development of supply chain business——c&d ranks 26th among china's top 500 foreign trade companies & ranks first in fujian province

xiamen c&d inc. ranked 26th in china with a total import and export volume of 7.66 billion us dollars in 2017,according to the list of china's top 500 foreign trade enterprises in 2018 released by the china association for foreign economic and trade s

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lift the value—c&d inc. launches the new service brand


lift the value—c&d inc. launches the new service brand

on october 31st, xiamen c&d inc. officially launched a new service brand — lift supply chain services.

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c&d inc. wins the "china brand “golden elephant award” annual best brand construction case award"


c&d inc. wins the "china brand “golden elephant award” annual best brand construction case award"

the case of "lift supply chain services system" submitted by xiamen c&d inc. was awarded "china brand “golden elephant award”— best brand construction case award of the year" by virtue of its innovative brand thinking and advanced

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c&d inc. is listed in the national supply chain innovation and application pilot enterprises


c&d inc. is listed in the national supply chain innovation and application pilot enterprises

xiamen c&d inc., with its advanced supply chain operations management concept and excellent supply chain management and coordination level, has become one of the 266 enterprises listed in the pilot enterprises nationwide.

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2018 china's top 500 listed companies announced by fortune:xiamen c&d inc. ranks no.39


2018 china's top 500 listed companies announced by fortune:xiamen c&d inc. ranks no.39

the list of "2018 china's top 500 listed companies" was announced by fortune on the night of 10th, july. xiamen c&d inc. ranked the 39th, which is 8 places higher than last year.

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