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xiamen c&d inc. stock code:

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innovative mode leads the development of supply chain business——c&d ranks 26th among china's top 500 foreign trade companies & ranks first in fujian province -pg电子游戏网站

date: 2018-12-05 | source:xiamen daily

xiamen c&d inc. ranked 26th in china with a total import and export volume of 7.66 billion us dollars in 2017,according to the list of china's top 500 foreign trade enterprises in 2018 released by the china association for foreign economic and trade statistics,which is in charge of the ministry of commerce.there are three enterprises in fujian province ranked in the top 100 of the top 500 companies, and c&d inc. ranked first in fujian province.


in recent years,through a series of strategic adjustments,c&d inc. has gradually transformed itself from a traditional trader to a supply chain operator integrating trade settlement,third-party logistics,financial services, information services and program planning.c&d inc. has built a complete supply chain with trade,logistics and warehousing as the core,industrial investment and financial services as the present,the company is in the leading position in the field of supply chain operations in fujian province and even the whole country.

(source: xiamen daily)
