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c&d inc. is listed in the national supply chain innovation and application pilot enterprises -pg电子游戏网站

date: 2018-10-22 | source:c&d inc.

recently, the ministry of commerce released the results of the evaluation of national pilot cities and enterprises for supply chain innovation and application, and the pilot work has entered the stage of full implementation. xiamen applied for the pilot qualification in the name of xiamen area of china (fujian) pilot free trade zone, becoming the only pilot city in fujian province. xiamen c&d inc., with its advanced supply chain operations management concept and excellent supply chain management and coordination level, has become one of the 266 enterprises listed in the pilot enterprises nationwide.


as a pilot enterprise, c&d inc. will adhere to the core value concept of supply chain value-added, by strengthening to explore and innovate the technology and operation mode of supply chain, searching for the potential value-added opportunities in the supply chain operations, accelerating industry resources circulation, improving the operating efficiency of supply chain, thus to accelerate the progress of business model, and promote social and economic development.
