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the strategic cooperation signing ceremony was held between c&d inc. and zhangjiagang free trade zone -pg电子游戏网站

date: 2020-12-11 | source:c&d inc.

on december 8, xiamen c&d inc. and zhangjiagang free trade zone management committee held a strategic cooperation signing ceremony. leaders from xiamen c&d inc., zhangjiagang free trade zone and china federation of logistics and purchasing attended the event.

at the signing ceremony, mr. zheng yongda, secretary of the party committee and chairman of c&d inc., said that the establishment of the supply chain operations platform in this cooperation has taken advantage of three favorable factors: favorable time, favorable geographical location and favorable human resources. favorable time means that the country attaches importance to the safety of supply chain strategically. favorable geographical location means that zhangjiagang has a good industrial cluster foundation, and c&d inc. should do a good job in supply chain service. favorable human resources refers to the win-win situation of the government, platform, enterprises, platform customers and banks. the strategic cooperation with zhangjiagang free trade zone is in line with the future development direction of c&d inc.

ji dong, member of the party working committee of zhangjiagang free trade zone and deputy director of the management committee, expressed the hope that the cooperation between the two sides could gather elements of resources, give play to their respective advantages, create an industrial ecology of supply chain, and ultimately empower small and micro enterprises and the real economy, and contribute to industrial transformation and upgrading.

this cooperation is a deep combination of pilot cities and pilot enterprises of supply chain. both sides will create a new blueprint of supply chain industry ecology through continuous innovation and development, and provide strong support for the realization of domestic economic cycle.
