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c&d international wines & spirits and twe signs a new three-pg电子游戏网站

date: 2023-08-21 | source:c&d inc.

recently, c&d international wines & spirits, a wholly-owned subsidiary of c&d inc. (, signed a new three-year strategic cooperation agreement with the select brand division of twe group (hereinafter referred to as “twe select brand”) on rawson's retreat, and c&d international wines & spirits will continue to act as the exclusive agency of rawson's retreat. lin yongsheng, head of sales of twe select brand, and chen xuguang, general manager of c&d international wines & spirits, attended the signing ceremony.

at the signing ceremony, chen xuguang said that years of deep cooperation had made both sides more confident in the development of rawson's retreat, and both sides would continue to deepen channels to improve its market awareness and recognition. lin yongsheng said that c&d international wines & spirits had been an important strategic partner of twe in china, and twe select brand would, as always, support c&d international wines & spirits to do a good job in brand building and channel promotion, and build the core competitiveness of rawson's retreat in an all-round way.

in the future, twe select brand and c&d international wines & spirits will deepen cooperation in omnichannel operation model innovation and brand building, so as to bring quality wines of rawson's retreat to consumers, and continue to write the brand concept of “enjoy every moment”.