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c&d steel cheongfuli (xiamen) co., ltd.: helping chinese iron and steel products “go global” -pg电子游戏网站

date: 2023-08-15 | source:c&d inc.
with the full implementation of the "belt and road" initiative and rcep, the demand for chinese steel continues from other countries are expanding. cheongfuli (xiamen) co., ltd., a member of c&d inc. iron & steel group, has seized market opportunities to help domestic steel products go global, and recently signed a memorandum of cooperation with the second largest private steel manufacturer in the uae. with regards to the cooperation, xmtv carried out a detailed story on august 14.

according to the agreement, both sides will work together to provide high-quality chinese steel products to the gcc countries to meet the development needs of local industries such as construction and manufacturing, and will promote the trade of goods and services between china and the gcc countries. as a professional international steel supply chain operation unit under c&d inc. iron & steel group, cheongfuli (xiamen) co., ltd. will continue to give full play to its advantages in supply chain operation, introduce more high-quality chinese steel product resources to the international market, and introduce overseas high-quality industrial resources in the meantime.

in recent years, c&d inc. iron & steel group has closely followed the guidance of the “belt and road” initiative, deeply cultivated the rcep “circle of friends”, continuously improved the global supply chain service system, and has set up subsidiaries or offices in more than 20 countries and regions around the world, established business relations with partners in 115 countries and regions. at the same time, it has been rooted in the local market and hired local employees, thus achieving rapid development of its business scales.

looking forward, c&d inc. iron & steel group will continue to adhere to specialized operation, deepen the “go global” strategy, help chinese steel enterprise go overseas, bring more chinese equipment, chinese technology and chinese standards to the world, provide professional and one-step “lift” supply chain services for global merchants, constantly enhance the international influence of chinese steel enterprises, and strive to tell a good “china story”.