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c&d inc. won the “wind esg industry best practice award 2022” -pg电子游戏网站

date: 2023-01-11 | source:c&d inc.

on january 10, 2023, the winner list of wind esg best practice listed companies 2022 was announced. c&d inc. ( was awarded “wind esg industry best practice award 2022” based on its outstanding performance in esg (environmental, social and governance) practices.

c&d inc. actively undertakes social responsibilities to relevant stakeholders, promotes harmonious development of the company with customers, shareholders, partners, employees and society, and positively makes contributions to environmental protection and sustainable development.

c&d inc. actively responds to the nations green development strategy, gives full play to supply chain operation resources, and actively contributes to the construction of green low-carbon circular economy system. in recent years, c&d inc. actively develops scrap business, and has built many scrap processing base projects in benxi, baotou, tianjin, lanzhou and caofeidian. the bases recycle, process and supply scrap steel  to steel mills for steel-making, and steel mills use recycled steel raw material to make steel, which can greatly reduce pollutant discharge and make contributions to environmental protection and effective resources usage. in the field of consumer goods supply chain, c&d inc. positively researches renewable materials, biodegradable materials, biological materials and other sustainable materials, providing a variety of environmental protection solutions for shoes and bags. c&d light industry, subsidiary of c&d inc., successfully breaks through the upstream and downstream of the shoe industry chain, realizes the global recycle standard (grs) certification of the whole chain among raw material, production, processing, trade and brand, and promotes the construction of the upstream and downstream supply relationship that makes the enterprise's economic activities and environmental protection coordinated.

social responsibility
c&d inc. actively responds to the belt and road initiative, deepens the go global strategy, speeds up the international layout while deepening the domestic market, actively integrates into the dual circulation development pattern of domestic and foreign markets. c&d inc. attaches great importance to the construction of international logistics channels, provides customers with high-quality global logistics services through overseas warehouses, shangzhou logistics, “china-europe railway express” (xiamen-moscow), etc. in the field of agricultural products, by building a diversified and robust global supply chain system for agricultural products, c&d inc. has introduced worldwide high-quality resources to serve the industries of people's livelihood in china, realizing the  of domestic and international resources, and ensuring the safety of agricultural products supply chain. meanwhile, c&d inc. helps troubled manufacturing enterprises resume production and operation, promotes local economic development, and ensure peoples livelihood and employment.

corporate governance
c&d inc. is committed to building a modern enterprise system with chinese characteristics in the new era, and always been adhering to the principle of transparent corporate governance. based on the concept of law-abiding, continuous standardized  operation, the company continues to promote the construction of internal control standard system, actively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of investors, and enhance the sustainable, stable and healthy development of the company. based on decades of industry experience, c&d inc. has formed a "professional, hierarchical and process-based" risk control system, built corresponding business management structures for different industries, went deep into the market and industry center, so as to ensure the company's business to achieve years of sustained high-quality growth.

looking forward, on the basis of continuously consolidating its own business, c&d inc. will continue to strengthen esg practice, keep in mind the mission of "to exploit new value for more people to live a superior life", effectively connect sustainable development with enterprise development strategy, and stick to the road of innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development.
