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c&d inc. shines brightly on china import expo once again——the amount of intended cooperation exceeds 4 billion us dollars, which will add value to the supply chain -pg电子游戏网站

date: 2019-11-11 | source:c&d inc.

the second china international import expo was held in shanghai from november 5 to 10. c&d inc. has gained fruitful results in the expo. the company has signed contracts with a number of world top 500 and leading multinational enterprises such as seymour fisher, fonterra, varian, medtronic, cargill, louis dreyfus and olam international, and signed import cooperation agreements worth over 4 billion us dollars. the business scope of the contracted partners involves high-end medical device consumables, dairy products, agricultural products and other fields. the contract amount of dairy products increased by nearly 20% year on year, and the contract amount of consumables for high-end equipment and medical devices increased by 15% year on year.


the expo is a major initiative of china to open its market to the world. many large multinational enterprises come to this platform to display the most cutting-edge products and achievements, indicating that there will be many opportunities in the future import market. taking the import expo as an opportunity, c&d inc. has not only deepened the existing cooperative relations with foreign large enterprises, but also made new partners and actively explored new business cooperation areas.


c&d inc. has had a cooperation history of more than 10 years with seymour fisher. since the signing of the cooperation agreement in the first china import expo, the business cooperation between the two sides has maintained a good momentum. it is expected that the cooperation amount between the two sides will double from 2019 to 2020. 


varian is a global leader in the development and delivery of innovative cancer treatment solutions. xiamen hong’ai hospital, invested and built by ren’ai medical foundation (funded by c&d group), is the first tertiary general hospital in fujian province to introduce vitalbeam, the most advanced accelerator of varian, which has contributed a lot to the improvement of medical level in fujian province and xiamen city.


fonterra is a leading dairy processing and export company in the world. c&d inc. has formed a close strategic cooperative relationship with fonterra since 2016. at this year's expo, c&d inc. signed a three-year memorandum of understanding with fonterra for a total amount of 2.5 billion us dollars from 2020 to 2022.


as a highly market-oriented state-owned and listed company, c&d inc. focuses on the main business of supply chain operations, has a clear positioning, keeps a close eye on the market, gets close to customers, and provides customers with personalized lift supply chain services. in the future, c&d inc. will continue to focus on the positioning of supply chain operators and pursue resource sharing and win-win cooperation. the company takes "integrating resources and creating value-added" for the brand core value, actively serves powerful foreign businessmen to develop the chinese market, facilitates the entry of high-quality global resources into china, helps foreign businessmen to improve their operation efficiency, explores potential value-added opportunities in the operation of supply chain, create value for customers, and constantly promote social and economic development, so that supply chain services will create more far-reaching industrial and social values.
