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xiamen c&d inc. stock code:

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date: 2019-10-30 | source:c&d inc.

on october 27, 2019, china-europe (xiamen-russia) c&d train launched its first return transit cargo train from novosibirsk, russia. the cargo will be sent to ho chi minh port in vietnam by the "silk road shipping" named route ships after a short stay in xiamen. this is a new breakthrough after the china-russia railway freight train in xiamen first carried cargo from vietnam to transit the border last year. it marks the preliminary formation of a new two-way logistics channel between vietnam and xiamen and russia. it is also the first time for xiamen to open a full train of return transit freight china-europe trains.


there are 45 containers of the listed goods, all of which are birch boards. originally, the russian customer was transported to dongfang port or new ross port by land and then transferred to vietnam ho chi minh city by sea. the whole journey will take about 50-60 days. now, the whole journey time can be shortened to 25 days by sea and rail combined transportation by china-russia c&d train in xiamen, which effectively saves the transportation time and helps the customer to speed up the capital turnover. after the successful test, the future cargo will be gradually increased.


since september 2018, when china's general administration of customs settled the transit transport policy in xiamen, xiamen c&d bonded logistics co., ltd., the operating platform of china-europe (xiamen-russia) c&d train, actively responded to the appeal of the government and gave full play to the geographical advantages of xiamen port as the only hub city of " maritime silk road " and “silk road”, vigorously developed the international sea rail combined transport business, which not only expanded the service area, but also improved the operation time, further integrated chinese and european logistics resources and provide value-added services for customer.


since its opening in august 2017, china-europe (xiamen-russia) c&d train has shipped 165columns, a total of 6,146 40-foot containers, with the value of 2.547 billion yuan. in 2019, 66 trains with 2,127 40-foot containers will be shipped, with a total cargo value of 1.074 billion yuan.
