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date: 2022-09-02 | source:c&d inc.

international data corporation (idc), the world's leading it market research and consulting firm, announced the winners of the 2022 future enterprise awards on september 1. upon preliminary case selection, online public selection, idc expert selection and industry expert assessment, the two internet-based industry platforms of c&d pulp & paper, i.e. papersource platform and pulpeasy platform, took home the excellence award of future leader of industry ecosystems for their active exploration and leadership in the digital transformation of pulp and paper industry.
c&d pulp & paper, a wholly-owned subsidiary of xiamen c&d inc. (, is committed to providing customers with comprehensive, high-quality and customized supply chain services. to digitalize and upgrade its supply chain, c&d pulp & paper builds two internet-based platforms, papersource platform and pulpeasy platform, and launches an integrated solution centered on cloud mall, electronic contracting, warehousing and logistics, industry information and supply chain finance, which integrates and digitalizes the originally isolated transaction links and solves the pain points of the industry such as cumbersome trading, high cost, difficulties in storage and transportation and lack of capital.
looking ahead, c&d pulp & paper will remain true to its mission of serving customers and benefiting the industry, and make progress in partnership with more pulp and paper industry businesses to build a better future for the industry.