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paul penaherrera, commercial counselor of the consulate general of ecuador in guangzhou, and his delegation visited c&d merchandise -pg电子游戏网站

date: 2022-09-09 | source:c&d inc.

recently, mr. paul penaherrera, commercial counselor of the consulate general of the republic of ecuador in guangzhou, and his delegation paid a visit to xiamen c&d merchandise co., ltd. (c&d merchandise), a wholly-owned subsidiary of c&d inc.( and were received by wang zhibing, deputy general manager of c&d inc., and other leaders. the two sides then held a meeting discussing the aquatic products trade, import and export of other superior products of each side, enterprise investment projects and other issues of mutual concern, and exchanged on the direction of future business cooperation.
wang zhibing first extended a warm welcome to the visit of paul penaherrera and his delegation. he said that ecuador is an important partner of china in building the belt and road, and the cooperation between c&d inc. and ecuadorian enterprises has been fruitful in traditional fields such as energy and minerals, construction machinery and aquatic products. wang also expressed his hope that in the future, both sides can keep exploiting their respective strengths to unlock the trade potential, optimize the supply chain, and further cooperate in such fields as aquatic products, fruits, coffee and logistics, in order to achieve sustainable, livelihood-friendly and high-quality development.
mr. paul penaherrera spoke highly of the achievements of c&d inc. has made in the supply chain field. he then gave an introduction to ecuador's dominant industries, mainly including white shrimp, banana, coffee, wood, etc., and emphasized ecuador's great importance to foreign trade. the negotiations on the china-ecuador free trade agreement have entered the final stage, reaching which will be conducive to further exploitation of china-ecuador trade potential and a sustainable, stable and diversified development of bilateral trade. he also expressed his expectation to further cooperate with c&d merchandise.
c&d merchandise has established in-depth cooperation with leading aquatic products brands, suppliers and processing plants at home and abroad, offering customized "lift" supply chain services covering raw material supply, multiport logistics, warehousing and distribution, and sales channel expansion to help the upstream and downstream customers in the aquatic industry to get connected in the trading chain.
relying on international cooperation on the belt and road and riding the tides of globalization, c&d inc. will make active efforts to maintain specialized operations, accelerate its internationalization and deepen practical cooperation with domestic and foreign enterprises, so as to integrate into the new development paradigm of dual circulation.