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link up life and enable textile! c&d merchandise and jingwei textile machinery signed a strategic partnership agreement -pg电子游戏网站

date: 2022-06-30 | source:c&d inc.

on june 27, c&d merchandise (hereinafter referred to as c&d merchandise), a wholly-owned subsidiary of c&d inc (, signed a strategic partnership agreement with jingwei textile machinery co., ltd (hereinafter referred to as jingwei). wang zhibing, vgm of c&d inc., shao mingdong (gm of jingwei) and both parties' other representatives attended the contract-signing ceremony.
according to the agreement, both parties will share their resources, complement their respective advantages, and join hands to provide long-term and comprehensive customized services to upstream and downstream customers of the textile industry in the raw material supply chain, yarn sale, equipment lease, and other sectors.
as a quality supplier of total-process cotton-spinning equipment, jingwei enjoys a superb market position and global competitiveness with the intelligent total-process spinning system and digitalized twisting system it develops. this partnership will increase the sales revenues of jingwei and further promote c&d merchandise's development in the textile industry.
during the contract-signing ceremony, wang zhibing said that jingwei had a time-honored history and profound professionalism and its development concepts well matched those of c&d merchandise in terms of digitalization, carbon reduction and "sci-tech finance"-enabled business development. he expected both parties to share resources and realize synergy in an all-around manner and enable trading platforms and develop a financial system together.
shao mingdong introduced the development history of jingwei and emphasized the advantageous experiences of c&d merchandise in supply chain risk control and their boost to jingwei's business development.
the concentration of the textile industry works to promote carbon reduction of the industry. c&d merchandise actively cooperated with the upstream and downstream partners to realize joint development during green restructuring. it aims to link up life and enable the textile industry. in the future, c&d merchandise will work with partners to reduce "carbon footprints"; stick to innovation-driven development to realize the major breakthroughs in textile science and technology, and make contributions to the green and sustainable development of the textile industry.

profile of c&d merchandise
as a member of c&d inc.'s consumer goods division, c&d merchandise specializes in food, cosmetics, personal care, raw textile material, consumer electronics, living goods, and other sectors.