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c&d inc. has been listed in the top 100 listed companies in china for 13 consecutive years -pg电子游戏网站

date: 2021-12-07 | source:c&d inc.

on december 4, 2021, the 21st summit forum of top 100 chinese listed companies, sponsored by the organizing committee of top 100 chinese listed companies summit forum and wharton economic research institute, was held in shanghai in the form of online and offline combination. c&d inc. ( ranked no. 73 on the list of top 100 listed companies in china in 2021, and was awarded "top 100 enterprises with special contributions in china". 

the top 100 list of china's listed companies ranks the top 500 listed companies on the shanghai and shenzhen stock exchanges based on their total profits. c&d inc., with a total profit of 12.107 billion yuan (2020), ranks 73rd in the list, up 2 places from last year, and has been on the list for 13 consecutive years since 2009. 

"china's top 100 enterprises with special contribution award" is awarded to listed companies that have been listed in china's top 100 listed companies for more than 10 consecutive years, actively fulfill their social responsibilities and have sustained steady growth in performance. only 20 listed companies were awarded this award. 

in july this year, with its advanced supply chain operation management concept and excellent supply chain management and coordination level, c&d inc. was selected as one of the first batch of 94 national supply chain innovation and application demonstration enterprises officially announced by 8 units including the ministry of commerce.

2021 is the first year of c&d inc.'s new five-year plan. the company will continue to deepen the development strategy of "specialization" and "internationalization", further extend to the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, improve the value of supply chain services, maintain the industry leading position in core competitive categories, and continue to promote the layout of emerging businesses such as new energy and consumer goods.
