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first audi store of c&d auto holds a grand opening -pg电子游戏网站

date: 2019-09-04 | source:c&d automobile

on september 3rd, 2019, the first audi authorized store of c&d automobile -- xiamen c&d aocheng audi 4s store held a grand opening. the leaders of faw-volkswagen southeast region, faw-volkswagen audi sales division, xiamen c&d automobile co., ltd. and xiamen aocheng automobile sales co., ltd. witnessed this important moment together with customers and media guests.


xiamen is the core city of the economic zone on the western coast of the taiwan straits and fujian free trade zone, as well as the headquarters of xiamen c&d automobile co., ltd. c&d auto is the fourth authorized dealer of audi brand in xiamen, and xiamen c&d aocheng audi 4s store is the first audi brand store of c&d auto.


located at no. 89 yanxing road, jimei district, xiamen, c&d aocheng audi 4s store covers a total area of more than 10,000 square meters. the spacious and bright exhibition hall can accommodate 12 new audi cars. in the store, there is a standard certified second-hand car service center and a modern after-sales service center equipped with unified standard testing instruments and maintenance equipment.


as the latest standard digital pilot store, xiamen c&d aocheng audi 4s store will fulfill audi's core value concept of "breaking through science and technology, enlightening the future", and bring customers a more scientific and innovative experience. at the same time, the store has an outstanding sales and after-sales service team, to ensure a full range of consulting and high quality services for every customer.


the opening of xiamen c&d aocheng audi 4s store is the first step for c&d audi to break through into a better future. adhering to the service concept of audi brand " whole-hearted service" and c&d auto "being professional to cars, treating people with sincerity", xiamen c&d aocheng audi 4s store will become a trustworthy "audi home" in the hearts of the majority of audi owners and car fans, and bring better car experience to audi customers in xiamen and the surrounding southern fujian region.
