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zhang yongfeng, chairman of c&d inc., ranks china's annual list of top 100 outstanding ceo -pg电子游戏网站

date: 2017-11-06 | source:c&d inc.

lately, harvard business review (chinese version) released the annual list of top 100 outstanding ceo of 2017. zhang yongfeng, chairman of the board of c&d inc., ranked the 79th place on the list, among which c&d inc. ranked the 1st place by the esg index.

it is reported that the 2017 china's annual list of top 100 outstanding ceo was reached by harvard business review (chinese version) and insead together after they have investigated the ceos of all the listed enterprises of china who were in charge up to 30th, april, 2017. there are all together 369 ceos who participated in evaluation and election.
