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c&d inc. is taking actions on low-pg电子游戏网站

date: 2023-04-22 | source:c&d inc.

april 22 is the annual "world earth day", which is a festival specially set up for the world environmental protection. it is aimed at improving the public awareness of environmental protection, mobilizing the whole society to practice green and low-carbon lifestyle, thus improving the overall environment. in recent years, c&d inc. ( actively responds to the "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality" strategy, adheres to the new development philosophy of innovative, coordinated, green, open and share, and actively enables the low-carbon transition of traditional industries and promotes the green development of the industrial chain through the research and development of innovative digital technology application and green products, the development of circular economy and the layout of new energy industry.

empowerment of low-carbon transition through digital technologies
based on its own innovative "lift" supply chain service system, c&d inc. actively develops and innovated digital technology applications, building papersource, e-pulp, , esteellink, easyagri, making traditional business processes online, integrated and paperless, and improving efficiency and safety while saving resources.

developing circular economy to mitigate climate change
c&d inc. actively carries out the business of green circulation economy, which helps to improve the efficiency of resource utilization, minimize the carbon emission of materials and products in the whole life cycle, thus promoting the construction of a green, low-carbon human society.

steel scrap recycling
c&d inc. pays attention to the reuse of waste steel resources, plans to build steel scrap industrial bases in benxi, lanzhou, baotou and other places, reaching 3.5 million tons of annual processing capacity, providing stable, safe and reliable steel scrap for benxi steel, baotou steel, shougang group, and promoting the green and low-carbon development of the steel industry.

aluminium scrap recycling
by giving full play to its professional advantages in the field of international trade, c&d inc. actively promotes the liberalization and facilitation of commodity trade in the rcep region, and develops the recycling and reprocessing business of aluminum scrap by linking high-quality recycled aluminum product resources in japan, thus contributing to the development of circular economy.

waste paper recycling
c&d inc. actively carries out waste paper recycling business,using waste paper to produce coated paper, cowhide cardboard and other paper types, significantly saving the use of natural resources such as wood. the company also recycle all of the waste pulp produced in the production process to replace raw material and reduce the waste of resources.

develop sustainable products and cooperate with industrial partners for green development
c&d inc. actively explores the research, development and design of green materials such as grs, dope dye and bio-based materials to provide environmental protection solutions for shoes and luggage products.
at the procurement end, the procurement team strictly screens material suppliers in terms of social responsibility, environment, chemical restriction and other aspects. at the production end, with strong csr factory inspection ability, the team puts green material technology into production and manufacturing, and collaborates with upstream and downstream industrial partners for green development.

lay out new energy track to help build a green economy
photovoltaic business
by integrating internal and external resources and cooperating with industrial parks and large industrial and commercial enterprises, c&d inc. builds and operates distributed photovoltaic power stations to bring safe, green, low-cost and sustainable clean energy to enterprises. from 2022 to 2023, the company's distributed photovoltaic projects in shanghai c&d logistics center and other places have been officially connected to the grid for power generation, which is expected to reduce annual carbon dioxide emissions of about 6,692 tons.

lithium business
c&d inc. cooperates with leading enterprises in the upstream and downstream of the industry to realize the service layout of the whole industrial chain from the overseas raw material end to the battery end, and provides professional supply chain services of lithium electric material products around the diversified needs of the upstream and downstream customers of the industrial chain.

new energy vehicle business
c&d inc. actively layouts the new energy vehicle track, continuously deepens the cooperation with leading or emerging enterprises of new energy industry, invests in the construction of xiaopeng, smart, avita, lutes and other new energy brand 4s stores, continues to improve the new energy vehicle distribution service network, thus providing consumers with lower carbon and more high-quality travel services.

looking forward, c&d inc. will continue to adhere to the concept of together go beyond, integrate the concept of green development into the overall layout of the industrial chain, and contribute c&d force to promote the construction of a green, low-carbon and circular development society.