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sharing global business opportunities -pg电子游戏网站

date: 2022-11-11 | source:c&d inc.

on november 10th, the 2022 china (xiamen) international cross-border e-commerce expo kicked off at the xiamen international conference & exhibition center. c&d inc. ( was invited to take part in this year's expo to showcase their proactive integration into the dual-circulation new developmental pattern after the release of the new five-year plan, as well as display its overall arrangements and development achievements in the sector of cross-border e-commerce.
recently, in view of the numerous benefits of the dual-circulation new developmental pattern and the regional comprehensive economic partnership (rcep), cross-border e-commerce is ushering in a "golden era" of booming development. as a leading global supply chain operation service provider in china, c&d inc. has proactively integrated with the signatory countries of the rcep agreement. currently, it has set up more than 30 overseas service network stations in countries and regions in the rcep, along the "belt and road," and in brics, and has established business relations with over 170 countries and regions around the world, with value of international trade rising for years in a row.
in light of the new developmental pattern, c&d inc. strives to continually promote the development strategy of "internationalization" and "specialization," to locate integrated service providers in cross-border supply chains, to seize cross-border e-commerce opportunities, and to capitalize on its strength of resource allocation, both domestically and foreign. it aims to link up alibaba, amazon, douyin,, vipshop, and other multi-channels and platforms to enhance import and export cross-border business, which can realize brand operation, trade logistics, international trade settlement and other services. this will put on display its role of digital operation and financial empowerment, "bring in" well-known overseas brands, encourage domestic high-quality products to "go out," actively explore business model innovation, and promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries.