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c&d inc. is selected as one of the first national supply chain innovation and application demonstration enterprises -pg电子游戏网站

date: 2021-07-14 | source:c&d inc.

on july 12, 2021, the ministry of commerce and other 8 units officially announced the list of the first batch of national supply chain innovation and application demonstration cities and demonstration enterprises. xiamen c&d inc. (stock code: 600153) stood out from 266 pilot enterprises and was successfully selected as the first batch of 94 national demonstration enterprises by virtue of its advanced supply chain operation management concept and excellent supply chain management and coordination level.

xiamen c&d inc. is committed to supply chain value-added, innovatively proposed "lift" supply chain service, which has achieved a theoretical breakthrough in supply chain innovation and application. c&d inc. adheres to integrated development, integrates the concept of supply chain service into the industrial chain, and actively constructs a new business model for industrial chain development. adhering to innovation-led, c&d inc. empowers small, medium and micro enterprises through supply chain financial innovation and cultivates new growth drivers. c&d inc. will continue to consolidate and deepen the achievements of pilot supply chain innovation and application, and constantly improve the digitalization of supply chains.  

c&d inc. will explore a new path of supply chain operation and business model based on customer demand, and deliver more "lift" supply chain service cases. c&d inc. is committed to providing reference experience for the development of enterprises in the industry through its own innovative practices. it also provides material for the further research and development of china's supply chain value system.

in the future, c&d inc. will continue to strengthen technology and financial empowerment. by investment and logistics support, relying on mature of internet of things, mobile terminals, artificial intelligence, c&d inc. will further enhance the level of intelligent supply chain operations and global supply chain operation ability. with more innovative and customized supply chain solutions, c&d inc. will continue to improve the value of supply chain services, build differentiated competitive advantages, achieve steady growth in scale and efficiency, realize operation mode reengineering for customers and create value-added.
