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china's first supply chain enabling incubator – c&d (shanghai) co., ltd "1 chain" incubator is launched in lujiazui -pg电子游戏网站

date: 2019-08-07 | source:c&d inc.

on july 29, 2019, china's first supply chain enabling incubator -- c&d (shanghai) co., ltd "1 chain" incubator was grandly unveiled in lujiazui, shanghai. mr. liang qing, director of economic development department, lujiazui administration bureau, china (shanghai) pilot free trade zone management committee, mr. chen dongxu, vice general manager of xiamen c&d inc., mr. fang qi, general manager of c&d (shanghai) co., ltd., mr. lv jian, general manager of dale (fujian) healthcare co., ltd. and mrs. chen shengmei, head of technology business of dale (fujian) healthcare co.,ltd. witnessed this important moment with all the guests present.


the vice general manager of xiamen c&d inc. chen dongxu delivered a speech on the unveiling ceremony, he said that the establishment of the "1-chain" incubator has accelerated the connection channel for the supply chain market of smart medical and intelligent manufacturing projects. he expected that the supply chain resources of c&d inc. would enable high-quality innovative enterprises and projects, incubate more innovative enterprises with vitality, and better promote the innovative achievements to the market.

fang qi, general manager of c&d (shanghai) co., ltd., mainly introduced the advantages of "1-chain" incubator. from a vertical perspective, "1-chain" incubator has a vertical supply chain resource advantage. from a horizontal perspective, the "1 chain" incubator is located in lujiazui district, which is the most active and financially intensive area in china, and also the lujiazui sub-park of zhangjiang high-tech zone. it has the advantages of hundreds of channels and resources in china, and also has the strong support from regional government units such as greater zhangjiang and lujiazui area.


after the unveiling ceremony, "intelligent manufacturing & intelligent medical entrepreneurship forum" was held, and the first six project entrepreneurs from all over the country who settled in "1 chain" incubator launched warm exchanges and interactions with on-site experts and investors.

"1-chain" incubator is an innovative enabling incubator focusing on "intelligent manufacturing & smart medical care" to accelerate incubation and rapidly promote the market. relying on the concept of win-win cooperation and co-integration, it is committed to optimizing the growth path of incubation projects and realizing exponential growth of high-quality incubation projects. it is the value chain and future chain of entrepreneurs. with an international perspective and the use of supply chain resources, c&d inc. enables the "1-chain" incubator to achieve accurate docking, efficient incubation, and build a new bridge between innovation and market, helping to create a new peak moment of chinese innovation.
