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c&d inc. enters “the bund-pg电子游戏网站

date: 2018-05-10 | source:c&d inc.

on 9th, may, the eve of china brand day, “the bund-china’s top 100 brands on innovation value” list was released officially. the list was researched and worked out jointly by school of management, fudan university and shanghai enterprise culture and brand research institute. c&d inc. entered the list for the first time by added brand value of rmb 2.2177 billion yuan, which is the only wholesale and retail enterprise in the list.

“the bund-china’s top 100 brands on innovation value” list was founded and released for the first time last year on the first china brand day, which is the only one researches the sources and driving factors of brand value from the supply side. this list sets up a distinctive “driving factor model of brand value-added”. the key research is on the relationship between the net profit growth and technical innovation, marketing innovation and synergy effect, which investigates and evaluates the contribution of the brand marketing and enterprise brand management ability during the brand value creation process.

the enterprise database investigated by the list this year reached 16232 enterprises, newly increased over 11000 enterprises (including 3513 listed companies in shanghai and shenzhen stock markets, 982 listed companies in hong kong shares, 182 listed companies in american stocks and 11555 listed companies in neeq).
