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gac mitsubishi 4s shop of xiamen c&d open grandly -pg电子游戏网站

date: 2017-04-24 | source:c&d auto

on 23rd, april, 2017, gac mitsubishi 4s shop of xiamen c&d held a grand opening ceremony. 

gac mitsubishi adopts the one-hundred-year professional technique of mitsubishi in the round, fulfills the spirit of craftsmanship, focuses on building up top brand in suv family, refines on the manufacturing technology and quality management and produces the high-quality products trusted by customers.

xiamen c&d mitsubishi has set up the shop in xiamen area over ten years. by the high-quality products and services, c&d mitsubishi has been trusted by general customers. as gac mitsubishi has joined the team, xiamen c&d mitsubishi will be more competitive.
